June 24th
Thanks for your interest in the ladder. Due to the on-going pandemic it is unlikely that the ladder will be running in 2020. If you were on the ladder last year and have misplaced your contact list feel free to reach out; there may be some people willing to get some games in.
To help you stay safe, here are the guidelines to returning to play from the international tennis federation: https://www.itftennis.com/media/3446/return-to-tennis-guidelines-eng.pdf.
Thanks for your interest in the ladder. Due to the on-going pandemic it is unlikely that the ladder will be running in 2020. If you were on the ladder last year and have misplaced your contact list feel free to reach out; there may be some people willing to get some games in.
To help you stay safe, here are the guidelines to returning to play from the international tennis federation: https://www.itftennis.com/media/3446/return-to-tennis-guidelines-eng.pdf.